Sunday 14 June 2009

Popping pills, cracking backs and a sore arse!

Hello there. Long time no blog. Well a week anyway and I apologise for it. To be honest, the injury got the better of me and started to get disillusioned with the whole exercise thing. An update for you anyway.

On the injury front, it still hurts but I went to the doctor on Friday night and he did the now pretty standard thing of covering most bases. It could be the hip and it could also be the lower back. That wasn't really news to me as I told him when I walked in that it could be the hip of the back but never mind. He's given me a leaflet on back stretches, plus a 2 week prescription of anti-inflammatories for the hip joint. I have to take them 3 times a day, only with food or they will do some weird stuff to my insides and absolutely no alcohol. Huh!! No fair! I've just taken my first one and no change yet. How long to you reckon it takes??? Anyway along with the pills I reckon I'm going to pay a visit to my osteopath this week. £40 to get beaten and man handled all in the name of reducing pain. Let me have my wine back and I'll kill the pain myself but I'm hoping that
'The hip pain's connected to the hamstring pain
The hamstring pain's connected to the knee pain
The knee pain's connected to the foot pain
And if all of the above doesn't work I'm screwed!'

So onto more pleasant things. Well it was to start with anyway. I went to visit eatingtrees yesterday to do a planned joint Juneathon but was obviously unable to take part in any running. Therefore we were left with 2 choices. Sit and smoke shisha and talk about exercise or get on the bikes and go for a little ride. We chose the wrong option and got on the bikes. Something to note at this point, I haven't been on a bike for somewhere between 4-5 years. It was a wobbly start but I was still alive and eatingtrees sensibly kept me away from any main roads for any length of time. He did however put me near a river which could have proved equally as disastrous. We cycled just over 8 miles, found a pub (for lunch and OJ and lemonade) and then cycled back. Not too bad. I felt I'd got away without any major problems then. HELL NO I DIDN'T!!!!!! I can hardly sit down, LG is having fun laughing at my expense and I have no idea how I'm gong to spend all day sitting at a desk tomorrow. Cyclists. Strange a sadistic people I'm sure of it!!

Final note, with the Thame 10k only 2 weeks away and me thinking I'll be OK for it (fingers crossed), LG went out this morning on her first training run for a while. 3.42 miles (5.51km) which is over half the distance which is bloody good going so well done to her. I can hear her talking at me at the moment though and I have a feeling she wants to do some Bikram yoga or something. I better listen now before I end up agreeing to something like I did yesterday with the bikes and end up in even more pain.

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